United Infrared, Inc. values your privacy. Thank you for reviewing our privacy commitment to you.
Our privacy policy tells you about our information practices when you provide personal information to us, whether collected online or offline, and when you visit us online to browse, obtain information, or conduct a transaction. United Infrared, Inc. collects personal information from you in order to provide you with certain products and services, and if needed to respond to your inquiries or requests for information.
Personal information may include your name, email, mailing and/or business address, phone numbers, or other information that identifies you personally.
We do not sell or rent your personal information to outside parties.
We require that our service providers adhere to our privacy requirements.
We do not require you to register or provide personal information in order to visit our website.
We only use web analysis tools (e.g., cookies) for the limited purposes authorized in this policy.
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