Infrared Thermography Training
UI provides classroom and online training in many applications of infrared thermography.

Infrared Contractor Support Services
UI offers infrared contractor support services to infrared thermographers worldwide.

Infrared Thermography Client Services
UI offers infrared contractor support services to infrared thermographers worldwide.

Infrared Cameras and Related Equipment
UI offers infrared contractor support services to infrared thermographers worldwide.
Become A Member
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We offer application-specific support services to infrared thermographers worldwide:
- Over the web, using its support contract services, and through the support sites like InfraredSupport.com
- At local business support meetings and seminars
- Business and marketing consulting through network membership and paid support services
- At its User’s Conference – Thermal Imaging Conference (TIC)

We have an extensive contractor referral system set up to aggregate infrared services to clients in all applications of infrared thermography:
- RoofScanIR.com – IR contractors surveying flat and low-sloped roofs for entrained moisture
- ElectricIR.com – IR contractors performing electrical and mechanical predictive maintenance
- DataCentIR.com – IR contractors surveying data centers for P/PM and cooling system issues
- EnergyScanIR.com – IR contractors surveying buildings for heat loss and air leakage
- MoistureFindIR.com – surveying buildings for moisture intrusion in walls and ceilings
- BlockWallScanIR.com – IR surveying masonry walls for structural and insulation quality
- Steaminfrared.com – IR contractors inspecting steam systems and boilers
- UltraSoundIR.com – inspecting mechanical equipment using airborne ultrasound
- EquineIR.com – IR contractors inspecting horses.
- HomeInspectIR.com - Home Inspectors trained in use of infrared during home inspection
- ChimneyInspectIR.com - Chimney Sweeps using IR during chimney investigations
- Infrared Certification classes can be developed for your company on-site or onlin
As a distributor for various infrared camera manufacturers, UI offers discounts to current members. Below, a list of participating IR camera manufacturers:
- FLIR Systems, Seek Thermal, Therm App, Fotric, Sper Scientific, Fluke, Testo, Palmer Wahl
Related equipment discounts are also offered to UI members. Below, a list of participating IR equipment manufacturers:
- Retrotec, IRISS, Tramex, UE Systems, Wohler, UE Systems, Extech, SprayRack, NFPA, NHB