Infraspection Institute Distance Learning
Live Class Certification Training
Hikmicro Thermal Imagers
InfiRay Thermal Imagers
FLIR Thermal Imagers
FOTRIC Thermal Imagers
Seek Thermal Imagers
ICI Thermal Imagers
Fluke Thermal Imagers
Therm-App Thermal Imagers
Testo Thermal Imagers
Extech- Test & Measurement
Teledyne FLIR
IRISS - Infrared Windows
Retrotec - Blower Doors & Duct Testing
RZ Mask
Spray Racks
Thermal Buddy
Tramex - Moisture Meters
PPE "Personal Protection Equipment"
UE Systems- Ultrasound
Standard Cleanout Wrench Set
Sper Scientific
Misc Tools
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The Leakalyzer enables you to quickly determine if a pool is losing water, and how much water it's losing. This super sensitive device measures water level changes to the 10,000th of an inch, and tracks these changes in real time on a digital graph. Watching this real-time data enables you to identify leaks in as little as 5-10 minutes. In fact, the Leakalyzer is so sensitive that water loss of less than a gallon from a 20ft. x 40ft. pool is readily indicated.