Infraspection Institute Distance Learning
Live Class Certification Training
Hikmicro Thermal Imagers
InfiRay Thermal Imagers
FLIR Thermal Imagers
FOTRIC Thermal Imagers
Seek Thermal Imagers
ICI Thermal Imagers
Fluke Thermal Imagers
Therm-App Thermal Imagers
Testo Thermal Imagers
Extech- Test & Measurement
Teledyne FLIR
IRISS - Infrared Windows
Retrotec - Blower Doors & Duct Testing
RZ Mask
Spray Racks
Thermal Buddy
Tramex - Moisture Meters
PPE "Personal Protection Equipment"
UE Systems- Ultrasound
Standard Cleanout Wrench Set
Sper Scientific
Misc Tools
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United Infrared will be pleased to present you a formal quotation on a Fluke Thermal Imaging System. Please answer the following question and insert any special requests or needs. A formal quotation should arrive within 24-48 hours. There is no cost for a quotation but you must properly register in webstore which will provide us information necessary for quotation. Currently quotations are only available in North America (USA & Canada).
To review the current product line, please view Fluke Products Page